On the football World Cup final...
"It is typical of football players to blame Howard Webb, the unfortunate English referee, for their own failings.
"Arjen Robben chose to do so despite missing two clear one-on-one chances. This is cowardly and dishonest, but what of Fifa's response.
"Sepp Blatter, usually keen to criticise anything that takes his fancy, particularly English, could only pathetically respond to the virulent and unjustified criticisms of Webb by saying that he had a "very hard task".
"Is that all he could say? Blatter speciously added: "Football is a school of life because it is based on discipline and respect. It's a combat game but in the spirit of fair play. You have to learn to win and you have to learn to lose, and should not forget the basis which is discipline and respect."
Rubbish. By refusing to condemn and sanction the relevant players and team officials for their on and off-field excesses which resembled spoilt brattish three year-olds, Blatter condones and encourages the same – beautiful, just beautiful.'